Glanmire Chamber of Commerce Meeting May 2022

Monthly Meeting for Glanmire Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, 18 May 2022, presents Judie Russell, Video Coach and Founder of The Vidacademy At parish hall in Glanmire THE PRESBYTERY, RIVERSTOWN, GLANMIRE, CO. CORK, T45 FF68 Networking with Tea\Coffee and refreshments from 18.00-18.30 With demonstration from Judie for 1 hour with Questions and Answers Glanmire Chamber of Commerce […]
Citizens Information – Here for you Always: Consumer Rights

It’s that time of year again when Christmas is fast approaching and shoppers are out in force. Most purchases of goods and services go smoothly, but what happens when things go wrong. Rest assured that when you buy a product or a service you have a number of rights under Irish and European Union (EU) […]
Citizens Information How you could be missing out on valuable supports

The Citizens Information Service explains how you could be missing out on valuable supports. “What we frequently see is that people don’t know what they are entitled to” Citizens Information has explained how you could be missing out on valuable supports and payments every year. John Beausang, Development Manager for Citizens Information in Cork City […]
SUSI grant applications open April 22nd 2021

SUSI grant applications open April 22nd 2021 for new applicants SUSI grant applications for the 2021-2022 academic year are now open for renewals (those already enrolled in courses) and will open on the 22nd April for new applications. SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) is the main financial support scheme for students studying in Ireland and […]
Claiming Tax Relief on Utility Bills when Working from Home

I’m working from home because of COVID-19. Can I claim tax back on my utility bills? If you are working from home (also known as e-working or remote working), you may be able to claim tax back on your broadband, heating and electricity bills. You qualify for the tax relief if your employer formally requested […]
Leahys Christmas Tree Farm

Leahys Christmas Tree Farm
Ger Keohane Cork County Council Updates

A big thank you to Deputy Padraig O Sullivan TD for bringing Minister Michael McGrath down to Glanmire to meet residents and business owners affected by flooding, I feel the flood prevention works will commence soon. More traffic calming measures have been applied for to slow down traffic approaching Coppervalley Vue from the New Line […]
Glanmire Library July 2020

Glanmire Library will continue with its phone, collect and return service for the moment but please keep an eye out for any changes which will be announced on our social media and on our website. Borrowers can phone between 10pm and 2pm to request books and can collect between 2pm and 5pm. For those unable […]
Glanmire Library June 2020

We are delighted to announce that Glanmire Library will open on June 9th for a phone, collect and return service only. Borrowers can phone between 10pm and 2pm to request books and can collect between 2pm and 5pm. We will take returns throughout the day but only at the door. Unfortunately for now, we […]
How will grades be calculated for Leaving Certificate 2020?

Mayfield Citizens Information Centre Roseville House, Old Youghal Road, Mayfield Tel: 0761 07 6880 Know Your Rights: How exactly will grades be calculated for Leaving Certificate 2020? In 2020, you can opt to have your grades based on a new calculated grades system. A calculated grade is based on an estimated mark that you would get […]