Post Covid Syndrome
Dr. John Sheehan MB, BCH, BAO, DCH, DME, MICGP, MRCGP, MD Since the COVID-19 Pandemic occurred many people in Cork and Ireland have contacted COVID-19. While the vast majority of patients have recovered from COVID-19 there is increasing evidence of Post Covid Syndrome in a number of patients with persistent symptoms. Some patients have described […]
Public Health Medicine
Dr. John Sheehan MB, BCH, BAO, DCH, DME, MICGP, MRCGP, MD Over the past few months we have seen and heard from Pubic Health Experts regarding COVID-19. But what exactly is Public Health medicine? Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. This work is achieved by […]
Cataracts are cloudy patches in the lens (the transparent structure at the front of the eye) that can make vision blurred or misty
Minding your mental health during the Coronavirus pandemic

The last few months have being a challenging and strange time for all of us in Ireland. Covid 19, restrictions that have being put in place and the stress and anxiety re all the changes have affected us all.
Community Assessment HUBs

There has being huge work done in preparation for the COVID 19 Pandemic in the communities, Hospitals GP, Practices to name just a few. An additional support is the opening of Community Assessment Hubs which are currently opening throughout the country.