Visit for Minister for Education, Norma Foley to Coláiste an Phiarsaigh.
It was an historic occasion for Coláiste an Phiarsaigh which is celebrating fifty years providing education through the medium of the Irish language on its campus in Glanmire when Minister for Education , Norma Foley T.D. visited today. The Minister was accompanied by Pádraig O’ Sullivan, TD for Cork North Central and who is a past pupil of the school. Minister Foley announced a €25 million investment in the current campus to facilitate the construction of additional facilities to include extra classrooms, specialist rooms an ASD unit and state of the art sports facilities.
Welcoming the Minister was Principal, Mícheál O Tuama, Deputy Principal Liam O Laighin, Chairperson of the Parents Association, Julie Ann Ni Cheallacháin, member of the Meitheal school leadership team, Caoimhe Ní Cheallaigh and member of the Student Council, Amhlaoibh O Síocháin Ó Beoláin.