Glanmire Library

Glanmire Library will continue with its phone, collect and return service for the moment but please keep an eye out for any changes which will be announced on our social media and on our website.

Borrowers can phone between 10pm and 2pm to request books and can collect between 2pm and 5pm.

For those unable to come to the library, if you can nominate someone to call for books, please ring or email us and we can put titles aside for collection.

As always you can borrow eBooks, eMagazines, take an online course, learn a language or avail of AVA film streaming. this is all free with your library card.

If you are not a library member already, you can now join the library online at

Email: | Tel: (021) 238 9795



Download e-books and e-audio with the borrowbox app


100s of online magazines


Visit our local studies page


Learn a Language


Stream films with AVA and the Cork International Festival.
Email: for your password to access the AVA website.


Online Courses


Looking for book reviews? Please join our Library Lovers book club Facebook page for lots of recommended reads